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Notes from a Journey

Notes from a Journey

Winner Best Classical Album at Vodafone NZ Music Awards 2011


A diverse and fascinating collection of works for string quartet by NZ composers John Psathas, Jack Body, Ross Harris, Gareth Farr and Michael Norris. 

"This celebration of the inspirational symbiosis that these four musicians share with our composer community has much going for it. If one could venture a superlative for the word immaculate, then this production would deserve it; as far as visual presentation is concerned, Simon Kaan's “Untitled Waka” on the cover could not be bettered for cool elegance.” - William Dart, NZ Herald


December 2010 Atoll CD Ltd ACD 118

Producer: Wayne Laird


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Track Listening

John Psathas: Abhisheka

Ross Harris: variation 25

Jack Body: Three Transcriptions

i. Long Gi Yi (China)

ii. Ramandriana (Madagascar)

iii. Ratschenitsa (Bulgaria)


Michael Norris: Exitus

i. Quidlivun The Land on the Moon

ii. Xibalbá The Place of Fear

iii. Niflheim The House of Mists

iv. Oka Lusa Hacha Black Water River


Gareth Farr / Richard Nunns: He Poroporoaki A farewell

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New Zealand String Quartet

Te Rōpū Tūrū o Aotearoa

90 The Terrace, Wellington 6011, New Zealand

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